Looking for some songs about Green Grass?
Whether you’re searching for songs about green grass or songs that have green grass in the lyrics, you’ve come to the right place!
What’s the importance of green grass and why even write songs about it, to begin with?
It gives the impression of good things in life or progression towards good things. So, you have to keep looking forward to a brighter future where ‘the grass is greener’. Go after what you think is making you a better person in your life.
Expressing ourselves through song is one of the most important ways we can stay connected to each other and these songs are great for anyone looking to showcase this idea of progressing forward to a brighter future.
Some songs are obvious and have green grass in the title. And a few that might not be as obvious but still cling to the idea of “greener pastures”.
The list below has numerous songs about green grass such as Where The Green Grass Grows by Tim McGraw and Green Green Grass Of Home by Elvis Presley.
Songs About Green Grass
1. Where The Green Grass Grows – Tim McGraw
2. Green Green Grass – George Ezra
3. Green Green Grass Of Home – Elvis Presley
4. Green Grass – Tom Waits
5. The Green Grass Grew All Around – The Countdown Kids
6. Green Green Grass Of Home – Tom Jones
7. Green Grass – I Am Arrows
8. Green Grass And High Tides – Outlaws
9. Grazing In The Grass – The Friends Of Distinction
10. Green Grass – Rob Baird
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